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Cara Membuat Proposal Air Bersih yang Baik dan Benar | PDF

Download Contoh Proposal Air Bersih: A Guide for Writing a Clean Water Proposal

Water is essential for life, health, and development. However, millions of people around the world still lack access to safe and sustainable water supply and sanitation services. According to UNICEF, 2.2 billion people do not have safely managed drinking water services, 4.2 billion people do not have safely managed sanitation services, and 3 billion people do not have basic handwashing facilities at home.

download contoh proposal air bersih

If you are planning to implement a project that aims to provide clean water and sanitation to a community in need, you will need to write a clean water proposal. A clean water proposal is a document that outlines the objectives, activities, budget, and expected outcomes of your project. It can help you to communicate your vision, attract funding and support, demonstrate your feasibility and relevance, and monitor and evaluate your progress and results.

In this article, we will guide you on how to write a clean water proposal by following a clear and logical structure. We will also provide you with some examples of clean water proposals that you can download or use as references or inspirations.

What is a clean water proposal and why is it important?

A clean water proposal is a document that outlines the objectives, activities, budget, and expected outcomes of a project that aims to provide safe and sustainable water supply and sanitation services to a community.

A clean water proposal can be written for various purposes, such as:

  • Applying for grants or funds from donors or sponsorsReporting or presenting the project to partners or stakeholders

  • Documenting or publishing the project for dissemination or advocacy

A clean water proposal should be clear, concise, coherent, and convincing. It should provide enough information and evidence to show that your project is feasible, relevant, impactful, and sustainable.

A clean water proposal is important because it can help to:

- Address the water-related challenges and needs of the target population

A clean water proposal should identify and analyze the problem that your project aims to solve, such as the lack of access to safe water, the prevalence of waterborne diseases, the poor quality of water sources, or the inadequate sanitation facilities. It should also describe the target population that will benefit from your project, such as their demographic, geographic, socio-economic, and cultural characteristics. By doing so, you can demonstrate that your project is responsive and appropriate to the specific context and needs of the people you are serving.

- Attract funding and support from donors, partners, and stakeholders

A clean water proposal should showcase your project's goals, activities, budget, and outcomes in a compelling and persuasive way. It should highlight the value proposition and the competitive advantage of your project over other similar initiatives. It should also indicate the sources and amounts of funding that you are seeking or have secured for your project. By doing so, you can convince potential donors, partners, and stakeholders that your project is worthy of their investment and collaboration.

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- Demonstrate the feasibility, relevance, and impact of the project

A clean water proposal should provide a detailed plan of how you will implement your project in terms of its inputs, outputs, outcomes, and impacts. It should specify the main tasks and actions that you will carry out to achieve your objectives. It should also explain how you will measure and evaluate your results and benefits for the target population and the environment. By doing so, you can show that your project is realistic, achievable, effective, and efficient.

- Monitor and evaluate the progress and results of the project

A clean water proposal should serve as a reference and a guide for monitoring and evaluating your project throughout its implementation. It should define the indicators and targets that you will use to track your performance and progress. It should also describe the methods and tools that you will use to collect and analyze data and feedback. By doing so, you can ensure that your project is on track, accountable, transparent, and adaptable. How to write a clean water proposal?

A clean water proposal should follow a clear and logical structure that covers the following elements:

- Executive summary: A brief overview of the project, its goals, activities, budget, and expected outcomes.

The executive summary is the first and most important part of your clean water proposal. It should capture the attention and interest of your readers by summarizing the main points of your project in a concise and compelling way. It should answer the following questions:

  • What is the problem that your project aims to solve?

  • Who are the target population that will benefit from your project?

  • Where and when will your project take place?

  • What are the objectives and activities of your project?

  • How much will your project cost and how will you fund it?

  • What are the expected outcomes and impacts of your project?

The executive summary should be written in a clear and simple language that can be understood by anyone, regardless of their technical or professional background. It should be no longer than one page and should highlight the most important and relevant information about your project.

- Introduction: A background information on the problem statement, the target population, the project location, and the rationale for the project.

The introduction is the second part of your clean water proposal. It should provide more details and context about the problem that your project aims to solve and the target population that will benefit from your project. It should answer the following questions:

  • What is the current situation of water supply and sanitation in the project location?

  • What are the main challenges and needs of the target population regarding water supply and sanitation?

  • What are the causes and consequences of these challenges and needs?

  • How does your project address these challenges and needs?

  • What are the existing or previous initiatives or solutions that have been implemented or proposed to address these challenges and needs?

  • How does your project differ from or complement these initiatives or solutions?

The introduction should be written in a factual and analytical way, using data, statistics, studies, reports, or testimonials to support your claims. It should also demonstrate your knowledge and understanding of the problem and the target population. It should be no longer than two pages and should provide a clear and convincing rationale for your project. - Objectives: A specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) statement of what the project intends to achieve.

The objectives are the third part of your clean water proposal. They should define the purpose and the scope of your project in a clear and precise way. They should answer the following question:

What are the specific and measurable results that you want to achieve


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